Purple Lily

Alicia Robinson

This is the second drawing in my Peeking Through series.

Lilies are my favorite flowers and purple is the color of power, ambition, creativity, devotion, and peace. I want to share things I love with others and hopefully inspire and encourage hope as well. We can live our dreams. We have to find the power to do so and not fight our natural creativity. Lilies are a symbol of rebirth. I am finding a rebirth in my creativity and ambition.

I love nature, flowers, birds and butterflies. I want to use images that I love and find beautiful to show the world how I see life. We all have two lives. The one we share with others and the one we keep quietly hidden in ourselves. These worlds overlap. They peek through into the other. They are parallel and intertwining. Bothe beautiful and different.

I start by drawing the image/s. I then use tape to section the drawing. I use India ink and tea to stain the paper. I pull up the ink and then use colored pencil in the white spaces of the drawing and ink in the ink spaces.

colored pencil, India ink, and rose tea