River in Berlin

mike celeskey

Pulp watercolor paper 300gsm, pastel ground, various hard and soft pastels, casein sealer. Multiple layers of pastelĀ  over pastel ground which were sealed with casein in between layers.


2D Medium: Pastel
Dimensions: 27 l x 23 w x 1 h
Weight: 6.5 pounds

I don’t remember entire vacations, what I ate, what I saw, or what I might have felt. However, I took a picture of this place on the River Spree in Berlin while we were having lunch, so that I would not forget. It was unlike anyplace that I had ever been. As the memory started to fade I decided to paint it…..to hold on to a special moment shared with family and friends. As the memory receded it became in my mind more pastel than photo-realistic, more abstract, more vaporous than solid. This was the result.