Flourishing Spirits

Mary Sanders

“Flourishing Spirit” is a mixed media artwork on canvas, utilizing acrylic paints, fabric collage, and textured elements. The painting features a striking portrait of a woman with a vibrant white afro, literally holding the world on her head. The background is dynamic and colorful, symbolizing the vibrant energy and diverse experiences that shape her identity. The textured elements in her hair and the intricate details of her attire create a rich, three-dimensional effect, highlighting the interplay between her strength and her natural, energetic surroundings.


2D Medium: Acrylic
Dimensions: 0 l x 16 w x 20 h
Weight: 5 pounds

As an artist, my work centers around exploring personal identity, resilience, and the beauty of cultural heritage. “Flourishing Spirit” encapsulates these themes by portraying a woman who carries the world on her head, symbolizing the weight and richness of her experiences and identity. Through the use of mixed media, I aim to create artworks that engage viewers both visually and emotionally, inviting them to explore the depth and complexity of the subjects I depict.

In “Flourishing Spirit,” the woman’s confident gaze and vibrant attire reflect her inner strength and the beauty of embracing one’s true self. The dynamic background and the textured elements in her hair highlight the intricate interplay between her identity and the world around her. This piece is a celebration of the resilience and grace that come from understanding and embracing one’s roots and the world we navigate.

My goal is to create artworks that not only capture the eye but also resonate on a deeper level, inspiring viewers to reflect on their journeys and the diverse experiences that shape our lives. Through my art, I seek to honor the rich cultural narratives and the powerful stories of individuals who embody strength, beauty, and empowerment.