Dreams of Flight

Mary Claire Tillotson

Acrylic paint and mediums


2D Medium: Acrylic
Dimensions: 24 l x 24 w x 1.5 h
Weight: 1.75 pounds

All of my work begins intuitively and becomes a push and pull: editing the intuition with the balance of analysis.  Some pieces go through more analysis while others seem to spring forth of their own volition. This piece is in the latter category.  If you have ever played with a ouija board, the feeling is similar when the paint moves beneath my tools – a life force beneath my hands, revealing itself with the slightest touch. I am grateful that the analyzing part of me stepped in so that I stopped work on the piece at just the right moment.  This painting and its cloud like-shapes floating through dreamlike color and many transparencies layered together, also provided me the title in a similar fashion.  As a child I often dreamed I could fly.  I can’t remember when that last happened, but this piece utterly captures that dreamlike state of ultimate being.  Hence, I have named it “Dreams of Flight”.